Holographic Pics

May 27, 2022
Holographic Pics | eBay

Set-up Tutorial
This section will cover what is needed to get HolographicDisplays up and running on your server

  • /hd help will show you a basic in-game tutorial


Upload HolographicDisplays.jar to your servers plugins folder
Restart your server

Create a simple hologram

When in your server as OP or with permissions do the following

  • /hd create test ('Test' is the name of this Hologram)
  • /hd addline test This is a test (The words 'This is a test' is what your Hologram will display)
  • /hd removeline test 1 (The '1' refers to a line number, this removes the default help instruction line)
    You have a new Hologram called This is a test!

Create a simple color hologram

  • /hd create color ('Color' is the name of this Hologram)
  • /hd addline color &bThis &2is &4in &b&lColor! (The words 'This is in Color' will display in Color!!All MC Color codes and formats are usable!)
  • /hd removeline color 1 (The '1' refers to a line number, color is the name of your hologram)
    You have a new Color Hologram called This is in Color!!

Create a hologram from an image file

First you need to upload an image into the folder. /plugins/HolographicDisplays/ (drop your image in here) When in your server as OP or with permissions do the following

  • /hd create picture ('picture' is the name of this Hologram, you can name this anything you want)
  • /hd edit picture (A new list of options displays for you)
  • /hd readimage picture bam.png 50
    ('picture' is the Holograme name, bam.png is the name of the image in your /plugins/HolographicDisplays folder
    50 is the width of the hologram (max is 100). The symbol to draw the image is taken from your config.yml.
    You have a new Hologram from your image!
    If the picture is in the ground: fly up and do /hd movehere picture (this moves the Hologram to your feet position

Create a player count hologram

Using new commands {online} or {online:server} and {max_players} When in your server as OP or with permissions do the following

  • /hd create test ('Test' is the name of this Hologram)
  • /hd addline test &6Players in Survival Server &b{online} (The words 'Players in survival server (with number)' is what your Hologram will display)
  • /hd removeline test 1 (The '1' refers to a line number, this removes the default help instruction line)
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Source: dev.bukkit.org
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