20MAR 2025
Museum of Holography New York

Museum of Holography New York

It s hard to describe the kind of excitement we felt when we first heard a new holograph center would be opening in Queens this fall. However in retrospect, it actually went something like this: holograms!! The thought of one of the world s most beloved optical illusions having at least a semi-permanent home where visitors could experience the true range of this medium was exhilarating…

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10MAR 2025
Holographic Bookmarks

Holographic Bookmarks

Steven Universe Holographic Fusion bookmarks + Double-sided charm Packs $10.00 Description PLEASE USE MY CUSTOM STORE, NOT THE MARKET PLACE, TO ORDER. MORE PICTURES of the products featured here: - ★STEVEN UNIVERSE Love+Fusion Packs★ Each set comes with ONE holographic bookmark and ONE acrylic charm…

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27FEB 2025
DIY hologram

DIY hologram

Blog A new tutorial from YouTube gadgeteer Mrwhosetheboss will have you making your own DIY holograms before you can say, Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you re my only hope. Simply cut a piece of clear plastic (he recommends an old CD jewel case) into four rhombuses, tape them into a prism, place it on your…
Aviator iOS download APK

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17FEB 2025
Equation for diffraction grating

Equation for diffraction grating

Reflection Diffraction Gratings (not on the syllabus!) Transmission Diffraction Gratings A transmission diffraction grating is a slide with large number of parallel, closely spaced slits (transparent spaces) drawn on it. Early ones were carbon covered glass slides etched by a needle point - now they tend to be printed onto a slide. When a parallel beam of monochromatic light is…

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07FEB 2025
Halloween hologram projector

Halloween hologram projector

Peppers Ghost is a classic technique for making ghosts appear in pictures, video, and even in front of live audiences. In this week’s Halloween themed Instructable, learn how to recreate the effect at home. It’s really quite simple. By positioning a clear piece of lexan at a 45 degree angle to your “ghost” object, and having the audience (or camera) looking at the lexan at the opposite…

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28JAN 2025
Hologram meaning

Hologram meaning

When taking a photograph, one light reference is reflected directly off the object and recorded as a two dimensional image. When viewing a photograph, we imply a third dimension based upon our past perceptions of similar situations. Holograms are 3 or 4 dimensional. Height, width, depth, and motion(time), are all recorded in a holograph. But, the theory of holography is what is…

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18JAN 2025
UK Fake driving licence with hologram

UK Fake driving licence with hologram

To help you adhere to this law it’s always a good idea to ask anyone who you think may be under-age for identification. By asking people to prove their age you will avoid accidentally selling alcohol to a minor and avoid facing the penalties for doing so. You may already be familiar with the Challenge 25 scheme which looks to help you with this – the scheme simply informs the customer…

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08JAN 2025
Difference between diffraction grating and prism

Difference between diffraction grating and prism

Fig.1 Construction of a Spectrophotometer Light containing various wavelengths can be broken down according to the wavelength. White light (containing many wavelengths) entering the monochromator is extracted as green (540 nm), red (650 nm), or some other monochromatic (single-wavelength) light. The operating principle can be explained by an experiment using a prism to break down…

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29DEC 2024
Hologram Stickers Printing

Hologram Stickers Printing

White Vinyl Sticker Material is made with Plastic/ PVC. Its Milky White and is not see through. We can print any color on it as per your demand and design. This material is waterproof & weather proof, it is suitable for outdoor or indoor use. Generally the life of this material is 2-5 years. Clear Vinyl Clear Vinyl is made with Plastic/PVC. It is Transparent and is see through…

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