The plain and pre-printed silver holograms on this page are the best value we offer and are available for immediate shipment.
The stock hologram stickers featured on this page are intended for one-time events or applications where using a generic hologram sticker, which is also sold to other users, still offers appropriate security.
Some of the hologram stickers include serial numbers, which offer more security. The pre-assigned serial numbers are guaranteed to be unique.
Although the imprint is durable for most applications, we also offer and recommend optional laminated labels to fully protect the custom imprint from excessive handling, wear or chemical exposure (alcohol in sun screen and hand lotion or any petroleum based chemicals, such as gasoloine). Laminated labels are recommended for these applications
- ID Badges
- Season passes (water parks, beaches, ski resorts)
- Hand-held devices (cell phones, etc)
- Equipment asset labels
For added security, some of the holograms feature on this page include hidden security features such as flouresing inks and taggants.
EXPRESS color holograms and transparent holograms are also available.
Custom imprinted holograms offer more security. See section A1 for more info or see the section below "For Added Security".
The tamper evident security feature performs best on smooth non-porous surfaces, such as metal, PVC cards, plastics, clay-coated paper, etc. If you are affixing holograms to textured surfaces, uncoated paper, fabric, or other porous materials, we recommend you request our free samples and test prior to ordering.
Silver or colored metallic holograms may not be suitable for printed circuit boards (or other electrical applications). The metallic layer is conductive and may cause issues if in direct contact with the circuitry. For these applications, consider a transparent hologram.