In ancient Egypt (so says Joan Grant, in Winged Pharaoh), the priests taught by this formula: “I of my own knowledge tell you that this is the truth.”
Not from hearsay, not from rote, but “of my own knowledge.” But who today can teach, from first-hand knowledge, the meaning of life, or the range of our potential, or the nature of our opportunities and responsibilities? Not the universities or other educational systems. Not the news media. Certainly not the depraved and rootless mass entertainment media. So – where do we look for definite, first-hand knowledge?
That first-hand knowledge is available. I myself, from work at The Monroe Institute and elsewhere, had experiences beyond what our society considers normal. I learned how to extend my abilities in ways that our society considers to be impossible. My experience shed light on the reality that has been described (and repeatedly misunderstood) in scripture the world over. I am not an Egyptian priest, and I cannot transfer my first-hand knowledge, but I can tell how you may obtain your own first-hand knowledge.
Hologram Books, like the “I of my own knowledge…” weblog, is designed to point you toward the tools you need. In it, I try to give a sense of what first-hand experience makes possible. In all that I write and publish here, I hope to describe my journey of self-discovery (self-creation?) in such a way as to encourage you on your own journey.
I don’t mean to imply that I know everything. Obviously, I don’t. In fact, I don’t know much, and the more I learn, the more aware I am of my boundless ignorance. Nonetheless, if I don’t know much, I do know some things, and they may help you. I of my own knowledge tell you what is in the books and other materials I publish here.
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