To make the most of your laser grates, copper laser slats are becoming a new way for laser cutting shops to save money and time on replacement laser consumables. We've provided laser shops around North America with quality laser grating that we have manufactured right here in the USA
As you can see in the images, they fit just like steel laser grating but last much longer. The copper slat and hybrid slat are replicated to match your machine specification, making replacement laser slats easy to install, quick to order, and much easier to maintain than the old steel laser slat.
Our programmers also take the time to customize the laser grating to suit your laser cutting needs. This means if your shop cuts a lot of thin steels, we will design the laser cutting grates with sharp points for less splatter, less contact with material, and an even longer lifespan. We adapt the laser cutting grates to better fit your individual business needs, instead of the usual 'one-size-fits-all' approach.